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Stella Muser Shirt ST/ST with Embroidery
The following design specifications apply to the embroidery products:
- maximum 6 colored designs are possible (Please note the color selection)
- minimum width of fonts and lines is 2mm
For the ideal implementation of your motif, please provide the file in 2000 x 2000 px format. If your design has a different aspect ratio please create a transparent frame so that the final dimensions of the file are still 2000 x 2000 px.
Your design will be placed on the product as an embroidery design immediately after the product creation - so don't be surprised if it looks "normal" when you create the campaign.
The first profit from the sale of an embroidery design will not be paid out, as this profit will be offset when the embroidery card is created.
Obecny Poduct:
Nie zaznaczone
Wybierz stronę
Wybierz produkt:
Wybierz produkt:
Okap Unicex
29,99 € -
Panie Basic Shirt
14,99 € -
Koszula damska Neck
17,99 € -
Koszule Premium Shirt
20,99 € -
Unisex Koszulka bluza
29,99 € -
Nadwymiar Unisex
19,99 € -
damska Melange Shirt
19,99 € -
Women Rollup Tee
19,99 € -
Koszulka polo damska
27,99 € -
Koszulka polo damska
24,99 € -
Okap Unicex
29,99 € -
Okap Unicex
29,99 € -
Mężczyźni Long Tee
19,99 € -
Okap Unicex
31,50 € -
Koszulka Ciążowa
29,99 € -
damska Melange Shirt
27,49 € -
Stella Dreamer Women
22,99 € -
Women Premium Organic
26,49 € -
damska Melange Shirt
28,95 € -
Damska Premium Organic
27,95 € -
Women Premium Organic
11,33 € -
Urban Jogger with
29,99 € -
Unisex Sweatshirt with
34,99 € -
Urban Packable Jacket
39,99 € -
Unisex Long Sleeve
20,99 € -
Fuser Relaxed T-Shirt
27,49 € -
Okap Unicex
44,95 € -
Women Hoodie
29,99 € -
Okap Unicex
31,50 € -
Fuser Relaxed T-Shirt
29,95 € -
Unisex Softshell Jacket
34,99 € -
Connector Zipper ST/ST
41,49 € -
Connector Zipper ST/ST
44,95 € -
Trigger Hoodie ST/ST
40,95 € -
Unisex Flannel with
34,95 € -
Ladies Organic Crop
28,49 € -
Unisex Sweat Shorts
26,49 € -
Boyfriend Organic Crop
30,49 € -
Stella Evoker T-Shirt
26,49 € -
Crop Sweatshirt with
36,99 € -
Crop Sweatshirt
31,99 € -
Blaster Oversized T-Shirt
28,49 € -
Flip Flops Large
16,49 € -
Flip Flops Small
16,49 € -
Okap Unicex
30,95 € -
Slammer Oversized Hoodie
59,95 € -
Slammer Oversized Hoodie
49,99 € -
Fuser Relaxed T-Shirt
30,49 € -
Fuser Relaxed T-Shirt
30,49 € -
Fuser Relaxed T-Shirt
29,95 € -
Radder Relaxed Sweatshirt
41,49 € -
Radder Relaxed Sweatshirt
45,95 € -
Freestyler Heavy Oversized
25,49 € -
Freestyler Heavy Oversized
30,49 € -
Slammer Oversized Hoodie
52,99 € -
Slammer Oversized Hoodie
55,95 € -
Stella Elliser Polo-Shirt
30,49 € -
Stella Elliser Polo-Shirt
26,49 € -
Stella Spinner T-Shirt
21,49 € -
Stella Spinner T-Shirt
27,49 € -
Trainer Sweat Shorts
34,49 € -
Mover Jogger ST/ST
44,49 € -
Miller Dry Half-Zip
50,49 € -
Ledger Dry ST/ST
47,49 € -
Unisex Basketball Jersey
22,49 € -
Stella Dancer Relaxed
22,99 € -
Organic Fisherman Beanie
24,49 € -
Ladies Extended Shoulder
16,49 € -
Unisex Relaxed Tanktop
24,49 € -
Roller Sweatshirt ST/ST
39,49 € -
Roller Sweatshirt ST/ST
32,49 € -
Unisex Bomber Jacket
51,49 € -
Heavy Blend Sweatshirt
30,49 € -
Heavy Blend Sweatshirt
33,49 € -
Softstyle T-Shirt
16,49 € -
Miller Dry Half-Zip
47,49 € -
Unisex Organic Sweatshirt
47,49 € -
Outsider Sherpa Jacket
71,49 € -
Cooper Dry Hoodie
61,49 € -
Cooper Dry Hoodie
66,49 € -
Snugger Hoodie ST/ST
66,49 € -
Organic Bomber Jacket
65,49 € -
Waker Shorts ST/ST
24,49 € -
Stella Bower Hoodie
38,95 € -
Unisex Organic Hoodie
30,49 € -
Shuffler Longsleeve ST/ST
21,49 € -
Ladies Organic Hoodie
30,49 € -
Drummer Hoodie 2.0
36,49 € -
Drummer Hoodie 2.0
40,45 € -
Cruiser Hoodie 2.0
41,49 € -
Okap Unicex
44,95 € -
Stella Muser Shirt
26,49 € -
Stella Muser Shirt
27,95 € -
Changer Sweatshirt 2.0
36,49 € -
Changer Sweatshirt 2.0
40,95 € -
Stella Ella Fitted
26,49 € -
Sparker Heavy Shirt
27,49 € -
Sparker Heavy Shirt
24,49 € -
Stella Serena Lightweight
26,49 € -
Trainer Sweat Shorts
34,49 € -
Mover Jogger 2.0
44,49 € -
Slammer Oversized Hoodie
49,99 € -
Okap Unicex
44,95 € -
Slammer Oversized Hoodie
59,95 € -
Radder Oversize Sweatshirt
41,49 € -
Radder Oversize Sweatshirt
45,95 € -
Connector Zipper 2.0
41,49 € -
Connector Zipper 2.0ST/ST
44,95 € -
Stella Isla V-Neck
19,49 €
Przesyłać zdjęcia
Poprzez przesyłanie upewnij się, że grafika nie narusza praw osób trzecich i zgadza się na nasze warunki korzystania z obrazów. Jeszcze...
Twój plik nie zgadza się z wartościami domyślnymi
Proszę zadbać o:
Price per Piece:
21,45 €
27,95 €
27,95 €
34,45 €
Całkowity zysk:
0,00 €
Your exact profit is calculated only after completion of the campaign based on the number of shirts actually sold. Ucz się więcej.
(max 6)
Twoja kampania jest tworzona.
Kampania będzie dostępna w ciągu 15 minut pod wybranym adresem URLTwój plik nie zgadza się z wartościami domyślnymi
Proszę zadbać o: Format pliku:PNG
Maksymalny rozmiar pliku:18 MB
Rozkład:300 dpi
Opcje podglądu społecznego