Fuser Relaxed T-Shirt Aged Dip Dye ST/ST with Embroidery

The following design specifications apply to the embroidery products:

- maximum 6 colored designs are possible (Please note the color selection)
- minimum width of fonts and lines is 2mm

For the ideal implementation of your motif, please provide the file in 2000 x 2000 px format. If your design has a different aspect ratio please create a transparent frame so that the final dimensions of the file are still 2000 x 2000 px.

Your design will be placed on the product as an embroidery design immediately after the product creation - so don't be surprised if it looks "normal" when you create the campaign.

The first profit from the sale of an embroidery design will not be paid out, as this profit will be offset when the embroidery card is created.

Poduct actuel: Non séléctionné

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Characteristics: JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG, EPS, PDF
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S'il vous plaît prendre soin de ce qui suit:
Price per Piece:
23,45 €

Votre campagne est en cours de création.

La campagne sera accessible dans les 15 minutes à l'adresse URL de votre choix